and Maochuan Zhang
This simple web site provides access to a near-real time catalog of earthquake detections and HYPOINVERSE locations for the Ocean Observatories Initiative cabled observatory at Axial Seamount. The catalog is updated hourly and efforts are made to backfill locations from intervals when the high-sample-rate data are diverted by the Navy but later released. NOTE: There are some inconsistencies in the seismic moments which I am working to resolve (Already fixed!).
Catalog last updated at 29-Mar-2025 02:09:33 UTC (28-Mar-2025 19:09:33 Seattle) with locations up to 29-Mar-2025 02:00:00 UTC
Status of 200 Hz waveform data - Streaming
Support for this work comes from the National Science Foundation.
This catalog should be cited as: Wilcock, W. S. D., M. Tolstoy, F. Waldhauser, C. Garcia, Y. J. Tan, D. R. Bohnenstiehl, J. Caplan-Auerbach, R. P. Dziak, A. Arnulf, & M. E. Mann (2016). Seismic constraints on caldera dynamics from the 2015 Axial Seamount eruption, Science, 354, 1395-1399. and
Wilcock, W. S. D., F. Waldhauser, & M. Tolstoy (2017). Catalogs of earthquake recorded on Axial Seamount from January, 2015 through November, 2015 (investigators William Wilcock, Maya Tolstoy, Felix Waldhauser). Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance.